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Akoio Research & Guides

Access a variety of free Akoio content to help you better understand accessibility, auditory health, and well-being. 

Research Reports


Accessibility and the Human Experience

Akoio's unique research reports tailored for our clients to address accessibility and auditory matters. This report discusses the influence of noise on accessibility and how it affects us all.

Conversation Guides


How to talk to your parent about their hearing loss

You may know that you need to have the conversation about hearing loss, but you may not know exactly how to start. To help, we created a list of specific words, phrases, and questions you can use to talk about hearing loss with your loved one.


How to talk to your teen about hearing loss

Teens need to feel confident and empowered about hearing wellness. That means being well informed and armed with confidence, so they can ignore even the most insensitive comments or prejudices. We put together a list of talking points to help you and your teen do just that.


How to talk to your family about your (own) hearing loss

Admitting we have a hearing loss shouldn’t cause embarrassment, but for many it does, and telling others that we don’t hear well can be difficult. We created a list of specific words, phrases, and questions you can use to talk about your hearing loss and help you—and your family—live better.


How to talk to someone with hearing loss

Millions of people live with hearing loss, and it’s likely that you know someone who struggles to hear well (even if they don’t wear a hearing aid, and even if they won’t admit it). These best-practice tips help us clearly communicate and make the most of the conversation.


Questions to ask your audiologist

Your audiologist should be knowledgeable, caring, reputable, and responsive to your needs. Our list of “interview questions,” will help you evaluate a potential audiologist (or even your current audiologist) to see if they’re a good fit.

Soundscape Guides


Managing Soundscapes at Play

In the fast-paced rhythm of daily life, finding time for play is crucial. Play allows us to step away from the demands of work and home-life and provides the opportunity to recharge, unwind, and connect. From the littlest children to the oldest seniors, engaging in play has numerous benefits for every body’s overall well-being.


Managing Soundscapes in the Workplace

Managing your workplace soundscapes can change everything! Most people spend over 35 hours a week in their workplace and their work environment has a major impact on how they feel about their lives. Whether you are happy, overwhelmed, stressed, or optimistic, there’s a good chance your job is affecting your play, your relaxation, your rest, and your home.


Managing Your Soundscape at Home

The sounds in your home — your soundscape — affect how you live, work, relax, and sleep. Of course, every home is different, and individual and family needs change over time. In this guide, we help you become more aware of the sounds in your home, offer practical suggestions for harnessing the power of sound at various ages and stages of life, and help you become familiar with the types of products available to help optimize your home soundscape.


Managing Your Soundscapes for Better Mental Health

We all experience unique soundscapes in different areas of our lives. In this guide, we take a closer look at the research showing how our soundscapes can directly impact our mental — and even physical — health. We also explore sound and music therapy to learn how we can apply ideas from these innovative disciplines to our everyday soundscape management.


Why your Personal Soundscape Matters

From improved focus to less stress, better sleep to better mental health, our personal soundscapes play a significant part in our overall wellbeing. Discover how your personal soundscape affects your everyday health, and learn how you can minimize noise and maximize positive sounds for better health and wellness

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  • Akoio, LLC
    PO Box 231317
    New York, NY 10023-9998